Money Road Map Budget Tool

Welcome to the My Money Road Map Budget Tool! 🚀 Ready to take control of your financial journey and turn your goals into reality?

Dive in and compare your spending to the average American family, courtesy of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This eye-opening exercise is your ticket to gaining valuable insights, setting realistic goals, and unlocking the path to financial freedom. Whether it's crushing debt, boosting savings, or planning for home ownership, this tool empowers you to make it happen!

Gear up for a brighter financial future. Let's make every dollar count together! 💪💰


Category Amount Actual Rate Average Rate
% 10.00%
% 15.00%
% 30.00%
% 8.00%
% 8.20%
% 10.00%
% 5.00%
% 1.80%
% 9.00%
% 3.00%
% 0.00%
% 0.00%
% 0.00%
% 0.00%
End Balance Highest Expense
$0.00 %

*This analysis is for demonstration purposes only.

Source of Average Spending according to the Bureau of Labor Statistic The average monthly expenses for a family of four range from $7,333 to $8,595 (depending on the ages of your kids).
For single folks, the average monthly expenses are $4,009.
For married couples with no kids, monthly expenses are $6,337.2